Originally Posted by weedheaven
I got a problem with the color on 1 template. All text that i enter is in white, wich the template is aswell. A changed the colors in the admincp of the usergroups, but they are not taking effect. running vb3.7
Any fix that the text color isnt white anymore?
You are using the last version ?
Originally Posted by Y-ZOOM
Man please help me
the chatbox wont appear in my forum
i dont know why .
and this is the first time i use this hack
after i finished all steps i cant see anything , no chat box
please help me
thank you
You have to set usergroup permissions
Originally Posted by whitlecj
Will you be issuing an updated version that will include all of the fixes I have been reading about in the thread. I want to install this on 3.7 gold, but I would rather wait until there is an updated version with all of the fixes. Thanks.
I will provide an updated version this week to fix the channels not appearing issue which is the last issue remaining in the current version.