hi everyone
first of all. im working on my first hack and i have a weird problem,
the hack must get the last 5 attachments in each forum, and shows its thumbnails at the bottom of each forum.
to see the problem
upload the product i attached
and edit the template "forumhome_forumbit_level2_post"
and add this at the end of the template
you must have some attachments in the forums to see what i mean,
well. you will see the attachments's thumbnails, but the thing is. if we have like 4 forums.
the 2nd and 3rd and 4rth forums, will show the 1st forum's thumbnails :S
what i want is, every forum, must shows its attachments only.
and guys anyone will fix this thing, you can take it and put it in the mods forum ^^
thank you.