I am going to throw this out there once and leave it at that. I have purchased a number of mods now. Each one of them has been a nightmare of beta hell. I don't relish a continuance of debugging for someone after forking over a chunk of money. Mind you I really think it is worth paying someone for the enormous amount of time they put into the coding efforts on these projects but only if they are finialized and the rest is simple upgrades. That has not been the case with anything I have seen yet. It has been a bugApalooza farm that is never ending that is creature feature requsted one after another that causes it thus sending the mod into an over work load of horror.
I like this mod a lot is the reason for all the concerns.
With that said how much do you project the full version to be and with what features that aren't already in it and with what guarantees. I have two paid mods that the support sites don't exist now.