Malganis (PvP)
Level 70 Tauren Druid
Level 60 Tauren Shaman
Executus (PvP)
Level 70 Tauren Warrior
Level 70 Undead Warlock
Blade's Edge (PvE)
Level 70 Blood Elf Paladin
Level 64 Tauren Warrior
Been playing WoW on and off since it came out... played for 8-10 months straight and quit after getting two 60s on Malganis and a bunch of lowbies on Executus ... came back with BC and played another 10 months, getting my main guys to 70... quit again 6 months ago. Will probably play it again when WotLK comes out...
WoW pretty much killed my forum's active members (this includes me). Play at your own risk
- T