Originally Posted by purepothead
Hey Digital Jedi, I had some users request this site if possible: http://eatlime.com/
I told them I would pass this along and see what you can do. Much appreciated!
Should be possible. Do you think you could collect a few
sample URL and embed codes from a couple of different users, since I can't gather samples myself. I'll see if I can start up my own account too, but I would need to see a comparison between different users to make sure I can construct an all inclusive RegEx.
Originally Posted by odeezie
Thanks! I found one other, but now that I look, I cant find any embed code so its probably a no-go. It is http://www.transworldmotocross.com/videos.jsp
Again, thank you soo much, these codes make our forums so much nicer!!
Yup, seems they don't have them either. But keep an eye out, because most video sites convert to embed sharing once they realize the user demand for it.
Originally Posted by crkgb
Yes, that URL is a front page URL. Notice how when you click on the various thumbnails below, the URL in the address bar doesn't change? That's because all that is, is a front page for
Yahoo! News, not the page the video is located on. What you want to post is the address of the page the video is permanently located out.
In this case, if you wanted to post the video called "Paying Tribute" about the NYC Fireman, go the the
Video page link right there beside it: (
http://video.yahoo.com/watch/2486616/7599255). That's the link you would post.
Originally Posted by KURTZ
DJ what about a 3.7.0 version? this runs?
So far, furst and others running 3.7 have reported it's working. And it appears to be working fine on my 3.7 demo board.
Originally Posted by KURTZ
thx, but i don't understand one thing, i must uninstall the greek's product or not?
No, in fact, this
requires The Geek's AME (Auto Media Embedding) modification. These are the updated and collected definitions for his mod. Since he won't be able to update his mods for the unforeseeable future, we started these separate threads to collect new ones and update older ones.
But you will need to delete or disable existing definitions in your
AME CP in your
Admin CP. For example, if you already have an older version of Google Videos imported into AME, and you import another one, it won't overwrite. You'll end with the two copies of Google Video and they'll conflict with each other. You either have to delete the old Google Video definition or disable it.