Originally Posted by pspcrazy
Everything works well except for the post to thread part on adding a new post, it lacks the scroll bar so it's very hard to navigate.
Yeah, this is a css issue with the latest WP release. If I get some time, I will try to add the workaround in the code.
Originally Posted by zeropaid
Questions - I have a very large site with over 500k users and about 10k stories that i am considering moving to WP and VB but i have some concerns.
I want to handle all the story comments inside of WP. Is this possible?
I want to be able to handle anonymous comments in WP using this plugin. Is this possible?
How is the login process handled; is it all done in VB? In other words I direct all my users to the forum to login or can i have a login in the header that does all this?
My major concern is that I can allow my users to comment inside of stories but have WP handle all the data. VB is only concerned with users...
If you allow anonymous people to post to your forum, then yes, anonymous users can post to your WP articles. VB handles all logins. You need not have Vbulletin handle the comments if you don't want to. You can leave it the way it currently is.
Originally Posted by barnepal
Thanks for help, but I still don't get it. So far I've filled out the following but how will you know the Forum ID when you haven't even posted any material during setup?
VB User ID: 1 (the first user of the forum is me, the administrator)
VB Username: administrator (the name of the admin of the forum)
VB Forum ID: ?
These settings are for the DEFAULTS! Please, read the readme, it spells it out there. You can select any other forum when you are posting. The reason these settings are there is if you do not use the integration, WP needs to know what VB user to post the thread as.