Originally Posted by thincom2000
There is no blog support in this mod because I do not own a blog license nor do I intend to. In order for me to add blog support, someone would have to give me full admin access to a test blog. Someone offered to let me do this a while back, but I never heard from them again.
Fair enough.
Having done some further checks, my site has far too many other sections and addons dependent upon bbcode working without the need for additional permissions checks, which suddenly stopped working when I installed this hack and I cetainly can't/wouldn't expect any coder to add special bits just for me, so with that, unfortunately it renders this hack useless to me.
I guess I go back to the drawing board in my search for a simply way of getting bbcode and imgcode to parse on the membersinfo pages. Shame, I had it working perfectly with my own code before updating to 3.7 but it's stopped working now. Unless maybe you could possibly help me with a simple bit of code that would make bbcode and imgcode parse for profile fields?