Originally Posted by thincom2000
Your issue sounds like it is related to how vBulletin functions by default, coupled with a misunderstanding of the way this mod is designed.
1. HTML, BB-Code, etc. always has to be enabled globally, or the parser just won't bother with it.
2. This mod checks what is globally enabled, and makes sure the individual user is not prohibited from using it (this would be a NO in the mod's settings).
3. If the individual user doesn't have permission, this mod will then disable it.
You should not worry about enabling HTML, or anything else for that matter, everywhere, as long as this is installed. Think of the standard vBulletin Options regarding this as simple ON/OFF switches, and this mod for tweaking if ON.
That said, if you want a separate permission set for signatures, you would either have to wait for another update of this mod, or modify it yourself until such a supported update.
Thanks for the email. So I turned on HTML on the BBcode section of VB options as well as in the signature permissions and the mod is enabled and everyone has the right permissions (well, me since it is on a test forum) and still when I insert HTML into the signature is not working.
Sorry to ask this again, but is there something with the signature section when everything is set up properly?