I just upgraded our forums to 3.7.0 yesterday, and while everything is working great, I'm not fond of the page layout when viewing a profile page. There seems to be a lot of empty (wasted) space.
I was on vbulletin.com and in another thread someone suggested the move, and posted a screenshot of their memberinfo page.
I would really like to accomplish this for my own site. If possible I'd like to put the profile photo code into it's own template and call that code with the $blocks code in the sidebar.
I've tried doing this already, but I can't get the profile photo to display there. I'd much appreciate any help you can provide! I'm a newbie when it comes to template edits like this. I thought it'd be a simple task, but it's obvious it's beyond my feeble abilities.
I've attached screenshots of my current profile page and of the profile page that has the profile photo moved to the right column.