I guess I am thinking out loud and in general economic terms.
Gas is pushing $4 per gal., where I am and, (in 2 years they are reporting it will be $10 a gal. on the east coast of the US), property taxes (Mine taxes have doubled in the last 8 years, but NOT my pay, what does that mean in another 8 years? There is no way I'd be able to pay it. My pay has gone up VERY little in the last 8 years, and the rising cost of food, and just the general cost of everything. I use to be, or thought I was a real middle class person, now I know I'm a very low end of the middle class. There is no longer an even keel.
Sooner or later it has to collapse, history repeats itself and I don't think the majority of people even think about this. The 20's depression will happen again and soon.
Now back to vb. The cost is really a 1 time good size hit (software and brand free if chosen) and the renewal fees don't bother me, it's really the rest of what I've posted and it all adds up.
I have no knowledge of coding but imagine the illegal users could recode their own version of vb software and use it, if they are so skilled at making illegal copies?