This MOD worked fine with 3.6.8 but I noticed when I upgraded to 3.6.10 everything seemed to work BEFORE I turned on the Turn Auto-Integrate switch. I was able to create a message and post it to a forum etc. But when I flipped the switch to go, I got You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. WORSE than that, NOW nothing works, no user can get in now, well the can but as soon as you click on the site admin link you get the message for ALL logins after that. In effect the whole wordpress system is useless, you can do nothing with it and nothing seems to be able to clear it even deleting the vbbridge and rerunning upgrade, once its corrupted, it done.
Same exact conditions on the 3.7.0 system which I updated today but vbbridge is seriously broken.
Please advise, mikesz