Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4
did you do every step in the installation instructions? if you only applied the file edits/overwrites, that was only step 3
4) Import the supplied product-credits_ibproarcade.xml file into your vBulletin Product system, be sure to allow overwrite.
5) Review the settings for the addon under the Addon Settings for vBCredits.
6) Review the vBCredits with ibProArcade settings for each Usergroup.
- For your convenience you can update multiple groups at once using the Manage Usergroup Awards link (vBCredits 1.4 final only)
I see no where to make settings adjustments.
7) Review and configure the costs and jackpots for your games and tournaments.
- There is a mass-configuration tool provided by ibProArcade at the bottom of the games list in the ACP.
No such link exists on my games list.