Originally Posted by shahryar_neo
sorry for my low information . can yoy simplified this instruction for using ajax requests using POST ?
It is the simplest it can be. Add the security token into the request.
Originally Posted by sv1cec
Could some one PLEASE tell me how to close this vulnerability in vB 3.0.xx?
I would certainly appreciate it.
You can't unless you edit files directly as the fix is actually a very large one.
Originally Posted by Terrie
what file do i need to place this into?
I've already added the 3 &'s before "securitytoken" in my clienscript/vbulletin_global.js
I have also updated ALL my templates per the security token instructions given and still
im having problems with every mod that uses java and ajax
I am running 3.7 RC4
You do not need to mess with any default vBulletin JS file.