I installed the hack and I have tried everything, but I can't get past this error. I can't find the problem anywhere.
Parse error: parse error in /home/teamacid/public_html/topposters.php3 on line 45
This is my topposters.php, all my files are .PHP3 so I changed this to .PHP3- Could this be the problem?
//..........Top X Posters v0.0.4..........\\
//......by Kevin (kevin@tubescan.com)......\\
// For vBulletin version 2, beta 3
// (c) 2001 Jelsoft Enterprises, Ltd.
// vBulletin.com thread:
///////////// CHANGE LOG /////////////
// New in version 0.0.4
// -- Fixed alternating colors so they are horizontal, not vertical
// -- Changed $path to $url and $path2 to $path to make variables easier
// -- Added a seperate header row color
// New in version 0.0.3
// -- Added option to exclude admins from list of posters
// New in version 0.0.2
// -- Fixed a small bug with the path.
// New in version 0.0.1
// -- Released!

/////////// END CHANGE LOG ///////////
//////// CONFIG EXPLANATION //////////
// a] $maxposters > This is the number of posters you want to show.
// b] $hc > The head row color.
// c] $bc1 and $bc2 > These are the first and second alternating color.
// d] $text and $link > Set the colors of the main text and the color of the links. Make sure this color is visible on both alternating colors.
// e] $font > This is the font(s) to use for display. You can set specific fonts (e.g. Verdana, Arial, etc.) or general font-families (e.g. sans-serif, serif).
// f] $fontsize > Set a point size for your font. Size 8 is about equivelant to <font size=1>. Anything below about 6 will basically be undreadable, so be careful.
// g] $url > This is the URL to your board directory. This is not the path to config.php! Do not put a trailing slash, either.
// h] $path > This *is* the path to your config.php file. This should include the /admin part. NO TRAILING SLASH! (May need a leading slash)
// i] $admins > Set this to "1" to show admins on the list of top posters. Set this to "0" to NOT show admins on the list.
/////////////// CONFIG ///////////////
$maxposters = "5"; // change this to the number of posters you want to show. for a top 10 listing, set it to 10, etc.
$hc = "#999999"; // change to head row color.
$bc1 = "#696969"; // change to first alternating color.
$bc2 = "#5C5C5C"; // change to second alternating color.
$text = "#FFFFFF"; // change to text color.
$link = "#EEEEEE"; // change to link color.
$font = "Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif"; // change to fonts you want. use serif or sans-serif for general, or use specific fonts names.
$fontsize = "8pt"; // change to font size you want. 8 is about the minimum; go up from there. 1 will not even show up.
$url = "http://www.teamacid.org/forum/index.php3"; // path to your board files. (e.g. index.php, member.php, etc.) may need a starting slash. *do not* put an ending slash on!
$path = "./admin"; // path to your config.php file. may need a starting slash. *do not* put an ending slash on!
$admins = "1"; // change this to "0" to leave admins off the list of top posters.
///////////// END CONFIG /////////////
$db=mysql_connect($servername,$dbusername,$dbpassw ord) or die("Unable to connect to database");
mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("Unable to select database $dbname");
if ($admins == "1") {
$exq = mysql_query("SELECT usergroupid FROM usergroup WHERE cancontrolpanel='1'");
$exr = mysql_result($exq,0,0);
$exn = "WHERE usergroupid<>$exr";
echo("<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$hc\"><b style=\"color: $text; font-family: $font; font-size: $fontsize\"><i>Username</i></b></td><td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$hc\"><b style=\"color: $text; font-family: $font; font-size: $fontsize\"><i>Posts</i></b></td></tr>");
$postsresult = mysql_query("SELECT username,posts,userid FROM user $exn ORDER BY posts desc LIMIT 0,$maxposters") or die("Unable to complete query");
while ($topposters = mysql_fetch_array($postsresult)):
if (($counter++ % 2) != 0) {
} else {
echo("<tr><td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"color: $text; font-family: $font; font-size: $fontsize\"><a href=\"$path/member.php3?&action=getinfo&userid=$topposters[userid]\" style=\"color: $link\">$topposters[username]</a></td><td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"color: $text; font-family: $font; font-size: $fontsize\">$topposters[posts]</td></tr>");