Originally Posted by Dismounted
Also, you need to add the security token to AJAX requests using POST. This can be simply added using the variable "SECURITYTOKEN". An example is below.
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', scriptpath + '?do=ajax', {
success: this.handle_ajax_response,
failure: this.handle_ajax_error,
timeout: vB_Default_Timeout,
scope: this
}, SESSIONURL + 'securitytoken=' + SECURITYTOKEN + '&foo=' + foo);
what file do i need to place this into?
I've already added the 3 &'s before "securitytoken" in my clienscript/vbulletin_global.js
I have also updated ALL my templates per the security token instructions given and still
im having problems with every mod that uses java and ajax
I am running 3.7 RC4