Originally Posted by Lynne
Did you know you could add "&fulldesc=1" to the end of the rss link and get the full text of the threads? Only problem is it isn't formated at all including no paragraph breaks.
Which means that you will have to manually edit and space break every entry that is posted. A major hassle and one I was working with until I finally found the way to post the blog and have it RSS correctly as the vB RSS Feed Manager system looks for coding as well, and not just copy the text as it looks effect.
I got my information from asking about it, and Jake referred me to this thread here:
I applied the variable Steve suggested and it worked for us, strangely on an ATOM feed which we shouldn't be able to use with any 3.6. Nonetheless if your RSS isn't RSS2 than that is why it might not work for you. As he states in that thread.