Originally Posted by maidos
thanks, and about having the mods located on header, how can that be done
The second template edit in the installation notes (in zip file) is the placement... you can put it wherever you want (assuming the files from edit one) are pulled on same page... (so put both edits in the header template) I have to look... personally I added the first edit to the headerinclude template... then I can pretty much put the second edit anywhere and everywhere =0)
Originally Posted by toddos
how can i activate html in the announcement ? Is it possible ?
Deactivating BB Code (in SmnLikQuick Settings) Activates HTML... At the moment you have to choose either or, sorry *blush*...
I am sorry that there has been no updates recently... I haven't abandoned the mod, I've just been having some health issues recently and the new medications making coding impossible more times than not.
Always, Bree