Originally Posted by AndrewD
If you have installed the extra and enabled it on ldm/admin/settings, then the normal add link page will simply have a swfupload-enabled upload box in exactly the same place as the standard upload box. The add multi link page will not work with swfupload at present.
I see now. This looks nice! Thank you.
Please consider adding a flash based file browser / uploader similar to the one putfile has. Image preview for pictures and video's would be nice.
I have the JW player in linkbit which look really nice. Is there any way to let JW player handle the flash sites or alternatively to have the flashsites play in linkbit?
Regarding the similar threads addon: The title of the block is 'Similar Entries in Threads'. This does not seem logical. Since the title of the vbulletin function is 'similar threads', it seems more logical to name the LDM title 'similar files'.
Is there any way to make the linkbit used look like the similar threads linkbit?
I have the same question about LDM categories: is there any way to make them look like forum categories, forums and subforums?
I noticed the add new linkbit extra. Can I use this somehow to create linkbits to resemble forum categories, forums and subforums?