Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
-- cat_icon_new
-- cat_icon_new
-- subcat_icon
still not showing up.  its not reading the "forums/" folder and gets an error (doubles up the forums directory) if you put it in manually eg:
- ldm no cat icons
I think you are entering these incorrectly. They should be *relative* to the forum, not relative to the forum's parent,
i.e. you should specify /linksdownloads/icons/ not /forums/linksdownloads/icons/
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
2) template_linkbit (short: title+thumb): TITLE is not appearing.
bug (at least for me): ldm no title
my bug. If you edit the links_linkbit_short template and replace $linkurlshortlink by $linkurllink, you should be ok
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
3) also, would be nice to see a bullet or something next to the items in the statistics. (or as an options).
too hard to read individual items otherwise. (don't know where one starts and another ends).
- LDM (right side stats)
will do