ahhhh brilliant indie thanks. thats saved me a lot of fiddling about and breaking it. I will just leave it to him then and let my forum memebers continue to think it's not as great as i made out to them. I havent even changed the css yet so its pretty ugly still (in relation to my forum) and i ve really got them fearing the worse. I'll get all the forums into the order that they need to be displayed in, try that css again and when my mate sorts it in the morning they can all say 'i was wrong and you were right AGAIN. It is pretty neat. Nice one' and i will go to bed with a contented smile as i leave them all to explore the new nooks and crannies.
Sorry i got a bit carried away there indie. NOOB QUESTION time if i may. In the tabcontent.css file i get the message '######### CSS for Shade Tabs. Remove if not using ######### *' and im presuming that there is 3 differant css 'thjngies' there for me to pick? I just want one of them? so i remove everying from that title on the 2nd one to the end of the file? When i do the TABS go Text Link and from top to bottom. Is the solution to what i am doing wrong a quick fix anyone?
thanks again and of course i will make a rare visit to this Mod of the Month place as it's gave me a bit of freedom. Nice one bobster xxx (a couple of kisses for you
eDIT: HOLD THE BUS!!!! ive added an example to it and it's working fine. Thanks.