Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
Waltz, I just noticed that since I moved servers the copyright is coming up as strange characters: +چ??
I checked, and I don't seem to have a credit_copyrights phrase. It's in the templates, but not in the phrases. Do you think re-importing the product will fix that, or should I try to add the phrase manually?
there is no such phrase. however that error indicates your files or product xml are mismatched - upload the files and reimport the product file to get that sorted out (it wont hurt anything)
Originally Posted by bayareamommas
how do you get it to start workin once installed....
Originally Posted by bayareamommas
help someone! I have installed but cannot find it on my forum
did you do everything including the template edits?
Originally Posted by vanbao
Please help.
I recently installed this mod and it seems to work fine. However I don't undertand how this work as there are some members who get less points then the members that post less posts then they did.
Also, there are some members who are getting negative points. Does the system has a "punishing" point for members who don't post daily?
Thank you.
make sure you are using 1.4rc2. in the main award settings, uncheck the activity award from the applicable negation awards. with it enabled, users LOSE the activity award * negation multiplier, if they do NOT qualify as active during the time period
also a note to anyone using the latest versions of vbulletin (3.6.10), please let me know if you find a problem with submitting forms that has to do with vbcredits. I dont think there is any off the top of my head, but i might have missed something