Hi fredang85,
You could access the mailbox and check if the messages are still there and not deleted. On the other hand, that is unlikely because the symptoms of the messages sitting in the mailbox without being deleted are multiple copies of the same message being posted and sent to members.
You could check the PHP error log to see if the script emailintegration.php has produced any errors and post them in this thread so that we can have a look at them.
At the start of emailintegration.php there is a debug switch which you can turn on to get more info sent to you. It did not seem to have any effect in my quick test but might be worth trying:
// debug command - LEAVE THIS OFF!!!
// Turning this on will stop emails from being deleted from the server!
$debug = 0;
// enter the email address error messages should go to when debug is on.
$debugemail = 'youremail@yourdomain.com';
Change it to:
and replace the email address with your own.