Originally Posted by Jase2
So, they have a readme that doesn't tell you how to install the program its self? What does it tell you then....
this is what it says:
Thank you for your interest for vbDrupal. vbDrupal is a CMS based on Drupal. It combines functionality from vBulletin and Drupal into one package.
vbDrupal uses vBulletin as the source for user accounts and session handling. Everything else is still done by vbDrupal and therefor Drupal modules and themes should also work with vbDrupal (given these addons are for the right major version). vbDrupal mirrors the Drupal version numbers with one added field, the patch level. Therefor a vbDrupal 5.1.x release is on the same level as Drupal 5.1
Changes from Drupal
The code base of vbDrupal does not differ much from the Drupal code base, we tried to keep it as much as compatible as possible. However, there are some important changes to the Drupal code that might result in a Drupal module not being compatible with vbDrupal.
The following important changes were made:
User module
Since user management is performed mainly from vBulletin certain parts of the user module have been edited.
Forum module
The Drupal forum module has been removed. Modules depending on the forum module therefore do not work, then again, these modules might not have any use anyway.
Comment module
vbDrupal has it's own comment module that makes use of the vBulletin software. It does not identify itself as the drupal comment module. We still provide the original Drupal comment module and you can active it anytime you want. However, the Drupal comment module and vbDrupal comment module conflict with eachother and therefore should not be activated at the same time. Modules making use of the comment module should work in the same manner as if the comment module was simply noy activated.
Database support
The database functionality is completely handled by the vBulletin database subsystem. Therefore only the databases that vBulletin supports are supported by vbDrupal.
Session management
Session handling is handled by vBulletin and sub-handled by vbDrupal. It should be fully compatible with Drupal's standard session handling. Drupal sessions only exist in the Drupal space. While the vBulletin session exist in both the forum and Drupal space. vBulletin plugins that modify the session behavior will also have an effect in the Drupal space.
vbDrupal is a fork of the original Drupal, that means for some issues you need to contact us while for other issues you could contact the Drupal community, who to contact kind of depends on the nature of the issue.
Nature of the problem Who to contact
Installation issues You should contact the vbDrupal community, the Drupal community will most likely direct you to us anyway.
Core Drupal issues You could contact the Drupal community, but it's best that you contact us just in case. If the issue isn't caused by a change we made we will notify the Drupal community about this.
3rd party Drupal module If you have problems with a module that you downloaded from the Drupal.org site you should contact the developer of that module. However is some occasions it might the module might not be fully compatible with vbDrupal. If this happens to be the case then please let us know so we can address it.
Any other case You might as well contact us, we can always direct you to the proper location.