Im getting this error to and it seems like ZomgStuff said the mod diddint add a table and that makes the error.
I think thoose 2 querys are the problem of the error:
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup` ADD `ugphelpcenter` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `socialgrouppermissions`");
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup` DROP `ugphelpcenter`");
I cant find that ugphelpcenter in my usergroup table so i think thats the problem.
And if you check the error log then it says this:
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ugphelpcenter' in 'field list'
So i think thats the whole problem.
Well i dont know much about mysql so could you guys post the manual query commands so we can manual add thoose querys because i dont know how to run thoose querys
Thanks and i hope this will fix the problem for me,DssCrazy and any others who get or will get this error.
Ok i fixt the problem my self and i think it will help you to DssCrazy.
Go to phpmyadmin and run this query:
ALTER TABLE `usergroup` ADD `ugphelpcenter` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `forumpermissions`
Now try to update the usergoups in the vbulletin admin panel again.
If its right then it will just update the info now without showing a error