An Online Shop
I wish to create an online store for one of my websites (vB3.7 RC3). For the store to work like an everyday site shopping cart would. Here are some light ideas I have. I have many more and this list goes more indepth. So if you wish to contact me to hear then feel free.
1. Cats
2. Sub Cats
3. Price
4. Paypal Payment
5. Price
6. Description
7. Images
8. Shipping Costs
9. GST
10. Address Options - Name, Address, Email, Phone Number
To me it seems alot like vBay.. But with a few extra mods on it just for my site (although others may download if it is easy to use and works well) I have edited vBay to an extent but just have had enough. So I though t I'd ask here.
Cheers all. Feel free to PM if you wish to talk some more. I have other mod ideas too, but I'm not a coder, so they just remain ideas.
Thanks again