Forum/SubForum Display Wrapping vs Listing
Brand new to vBulletin...just made a few tweaks trying to merge last version and upgrade...when my main page starting wrapping the subform display...
It looked like this before the corruptions/reverting template/etc
Forum Name About Topic ABCSubforum AB,
Subforum BC,
Subforum CD,
Subforum AD.
Subforum CB
Next Forum Name Topic DEFSubforum DE,
Subforum EF
Now the format is :
Forum Name ABCSubforum AB, Subforum BC, Subforum CD,
Subforum AD. Subforum CB
Next Forum DEF
Subforum DE, Subforum EF
In a past life time I would have said, "oh thats simple, it either needs lots of padding at the end of each subform name display OR at the least a cr/lf inserted after each.
...then I looked a the php coding in forumdisplay.php and one of the forumdisplay functions ...went crossed eyed .. & now after changing styles, tweaking a little bit of php code. .I am starting to have alternating twitches in left & right eyes.
QUESTION: Does someone have any suggestions of where/what component could be causing this? Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
(note-I am a draftee webmaster (using that term very loosely) of a non-profit orginization that needs to have things presented in as simply as possible and the wrapping seems to be escalating the caffiene intake which in turn is causing very intense & dynamic interchanges between!!!)
Thanks for any help...