Ok, I've been here a little more than year, and I'm not asking for special treatment, just for crude justice... like everybody I've invested a lot of hours on a project, no mentioning the $$$ that my Mom can happily use.
So even I'm feeling disappointed to ask for help here since every effort to act together got ripped by many egos and interpretations.
This Guy stole my Logo! as simple like that! no honor involved, no respect for the regular user...
I bought my domain from a guy who owned for $200 usd based on the design of the logo, I sent to the Library of the Congress my copyright application and paid $60 dlls, I posted on my private blog to prove ownership with date: January 17, 2006, I created the Logo with my Photoshop Skills, I registered a Corporation in Nevada and make the logo be printed on the Seal, the Minutes and even on my checks, got the .PSDs, the .AIs and I'm paying some highly priced artist to brand all my site...

So I'm asking you HONESTLY what can be done? [yes I will contact the guy and find him since we both live in CA] how can that behavior be corrected?