1.0.4 will be released after a final bug is fixed.
Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection refused: connect
I've also set the default to irc.guru-game.com (Which I own)
If you wish to register and create channels on there, type
/ns register password email
For anyone that wants to know, all passwords are protected and unable to retrieve from the database.
I expect 1.0.4 to be released the minute after the connect bug is fixed.
$template_hook[navbar_button_right] is now used, thus no template changes are needed.
Page is now identified as "$vboptions[bbtitle] IRC" instead of "IRC Chat"
When disabled, it changes the navbits[$parent] to $vbphrase[vbulletin_message] and shows a vBulletin Message box.
IRC default has been set to a newly created IRC server.
Few template changes (<td class="alt1"> from the irc box to <td class="panelsurround"><div class="panel">, etc.)
Edit: I've fixed the connect bug and I'm now testing a few things. Once done, I will release it. =]