Originally Posted by MarsNIIT
Thank for fast reply.
Please help me check attach file
ok, the problem with the 2nd tab is that those are not Categories, but Sub Forums that you are trying to pull.. you are going to have to edit the $FORUMBITS variable that you set up in the index.php file and change the values ..
ie $forumbits2a = construct_forum_bit(136,1,0);
If its not a category, just put in the FORUMID leaving out the 2 other values..
ie $forumbits2a = construct_forum_bit(136);
Give that a try and it SHOULD display the rest of the data correctly.. if not, try and change the other numbers .. ie (136,0,0) or (136,1,1) or (136,2,0) just do it for ONE of them while testing until you get the desired results.
As far as Tab 3... you don't have the code for tab 3 setup yet and without this, it effects the other two tabs displays. Simply add the code for tab 3 and the functionality of the tabs will work as they should..