Originally Posted by tmiland
K, i've just tested this on my local test site, why is it that when you click the image or bar, it opens up in a new window, nomather what? In the previous version/mod it did nothing at all when clicking the image, just when clicking the bar. I really dont want it to open up in a new window! *bah*
I have tried all the different settings, still the same results...
Are you changing the options in your ACP?
ACP --> vBulletin Options --> Image Resizer Options --> Default Resize Mode
If it still doesn't work, then you must have User Options enabled, in which case, you will need to either update in your usercp:
UserCP --> Edit Options --> Image Resize
... or, you will need to disable user options in your ACP:
ACP --> vBulletin Options --> Image Resizer Options --> User Options