Where to start?
vBadvanced -- Kill it. It's way too cluttered and jumbled, doesn't set you apart from 95% of vB forums that are out there, and a visitor really has no idea what your website is about. vB should not be used as a cms, I can't stress that enough.
I recommend getting a new skin. This one is just default with a few color changes. Do some custom work and "clean" it up a lot. Most Apple users are very fond of the clean and sleek interfaces, and one would expect that going to a site based on Apple. (But please, for the love of god, stay away from the overused "Apple themes")
And finally, for a site titled "Apple Rumors" I would expect the sites main focus to be just that. Rumors floating around about new products/features, etc. Right now the main focus is a group of friends being able to communicate.
My overall recommendation is to get some sort of a cms to use as your main site, tie vB in as just a discussion forum, and build your community that way. If you do that, and you have a decent style, I don't see why this site wouldn't go places. You've got a decent domain name for this type of thing, and sadly, I'm afraid that it's going to waste away with the set up as it is now.