I have raised your questions with our plugin developer and copied you in the thread. At this time I cannot speculate why you are receiving this error, but Im confident we can get to the bottom of it quickly.
The sms_signup.php page is only viewable by registered members. Unregistered guests trying to view that page will receive a request to log into their account first. If you see differently, please let our dev guy know in the thread I cc'd you into.
s it possible to have a few more options regarding payments, periods of memberships and amounts? I mean it looks fairly limited to me, as a webmaster I want the option of yearly memberships for lets say ?10 per year?
Hi there,
Yearly tariffs are something we can implement and is on the list of features to add. Please PM us with details of your specific campaign and I can see if our developers can get the yearly tariffs in sooner.