Originally Posted by Alfa1
Please consider adding support for multiple donating / VIP groups.
This way we can offer multiple levels of donating, with different packages of VIP functions.
Would you consider E-Gold support? Either in the Lite or in Pro version.
Regarding the donation list: please consider giving donating members the option to:
- appear on the list or not.
- have the amount they donated listed there or not.
Regarding the name to appear or not on list or the amount. This is a PRO feature ONLY and is coming WED as next V2.0.1 release. It would have been sooner in PRO version but V2 delayed things.
Also what do you mean by E-Gold support?
Main site is
Now to touch on the multiple level package for donating usergroups. Now this falls into the category of subscriptions. I do have a Subscription System coming out. But probably not for another month finishing the Product System first. I need to know more along the lines of these groups and what they do. Also this would be a PRO ONLY feature. People ask for things all the time and I throw them in the next PRO versions. There is an update every week in PRO version of added features that members want. Also including language support. Will have German, Dutch, Spanish by next week and maybe more.
V2 is totally different and 100X better so you may want to check it out. There is a V2 LITE I will release on here in next few days but nothing what PRO is. Just basically the merge of Payment System and Donation System to be easier for you guys. It does have some more security, speed, etc stuff though.