Originally Posted by carubmun
I hate myself for asking this question....
Next version, we talking bout weeks or months away?
Reason being is that this mod is fantastic work and im sure many would like to install it now.
BUT... it is a bit of work for those less experienced (but still game) users, and knowing that there is a bigger badder better version on its way soon... has some of us thinking that maybe the prudent course of action is to wait.
BUT.... waiting is hard when there is already something this nice that is ready to go.
Bah... i hate myself already, i knew i would.
Just answer by saying that its going to be done when its ready like the people at Valve.

eh, not going to blow smoke up your ass lol.. I've not started on it and I won't start on it until I have free time (Family and Job comes first) ... I do have a 2nd version in the "planning stage" (meaning that I have a white board with notes on it). A lot of decisions have to be made on whether I want to continue using the current .js or convert to the YUI (since that is what vB uses for the Profile Tabs) .. So its not like version 2 will be released in the next couple weeks.... of course, I will update this version if need be, so don't worry bout that..