Originally Posted by skhms
Thanks for the suggestions John, I'll probably add them.
Will see when I will get around to do a new release, don't expect it very soon...
Not sure about the score thing, I consider it to be a great disadvantage to play first if the other player can see your score.
About the stats on forumhome.
If you are up to it, take a look at the first couples of lines in the plugin "Arcade Tournament menu". That will get number of active tournaments and how many that are waiting for players.
Also take a look at the template "arcadetourmnt_mainmenu" to see how they can be used.
If you are not up to it, I might be able do a simple plugin.
well im not so good but i will try, but would be good with a plugin (a little lazy to

and about the score thing you can maybe make an option that allows you to turn it on or off in the acp