The basis of the karma hack is simple...
A small link is put at the end of every post. It leads to a screen where you can add or subtract karma points from a user.
Only moderators or admins can do this.
Their points can go positive or negative...
Options include having the board automatically email you when they get high enough... a way of noticing good members and possibly scouting new mods.
Or, if they get low enough... automatically banning their username.
Other features include variable amounts of points to give out in one shot, a record of which posts have already been praised or warned (preventing multiple mods from rewarding the same post), emailing the offender the reason why they got warned...
All of these are advanced options.
The owner of is the one who wrote the original UBB Karma hack.
Basically, the simplest verion of this hack would be a page where you put in admin/mod name and password, name of person to add/subtract from... and then some way to put in a variable number and indicate wether it was an addition or subtraction.
Then the page runs off and modifies a numerical value in the appropriate member's data record.
And this value is displayed under a user's name on the sidebar, like post count.
I don't know PHP... could anyone here come up with a simple hack for this sort of thing?