Okay.. I just jacked it way up.
I was no wheres near making it high enough LOL
now its
Extended Reputation Dark Green Count
The maximum number of dark green pips to display before moving onto the next level.
set to 8
Extended Reputation Dark Green Value
The value of each dark green pip in the extended reputation display.
set to 2000
Extended Reputation Light Green Count
The maximum number of light green pips to display before moving onto the next level.
set to 8
Extended Reputation Light Green Value
The value of each light green pip in the extended reputation display.
set to 4500
Extended Reputation Golden Count
The maximum number of golden pips to display before moving onto the next level.
set to 14
Extended Reputation Gold Value
The value of each golden pip in the extended reputation display.
set to 10000
I have a good 30 users or so that "figured it out" and was repping each other into the millions. Thanks to vbplazas unlimited rep. LOL