Originally Posted by Kiint
installed 3.7.12 today, still getting that custom avatar img error
avatar1_.gif instead of avatar1_6.gif
I uploaded all images, allowed overwrite when re-importing product. Everything else works fine.
Did you upload also all PHP files?
Originally Posted by soypod
Does this mean there will be more different icons for new awards? You just made me happy because I want to add like 3 more awards (times 3: gold, silver and bronze  ), but I have no graphical skills to change the colors 
See also in the ZIP in the extras-folder, there are some more awards.
Originally Posted by soypod
Btw, another suggestion: would it be a good idea to add a new xperience so additional thanks in a post also sum? Right now, it gives the same score if a post was thanked once or 100 times. And if somebody wants the old behavior, can just put that new setting to 0 
That was already part of vBExperience 3.6, but was removed due to complexity.
Originally Posted by unforsaken
I have ran the recount and did it in two parts so that it would complete....and yet this individual still has an award given to him. Any other thoughts?
For debugging I need a temporary account on your server with SQL-permission. PM me if you need help.
Originally Posted by JokeAss
What's the ETA of the next major version?
Around 2-3 months.