Originally Posted by ssslippy
Our current situation is we have fedra 6 running on our server.
We also run the latest version of plesk.
The issue is there is no php-dist for fedora 6 with php 5.2.x so we cant build from source anything for php. Example is we went to install xcache and had to build from source and just cant.
Should we upgrade to fedora 7, cant go to 8 as plesk doesnt work on 8, or switch to another OS completly.
Do you really need to open your server to hackers, by using Plesk and it's known SQL Inject issues? Take it off, all those "gadgets" are worthless on a server environment. You are playing russian rulette by allowing a cheap PHP interface to control your server at any level. There is nothing wrong using ONLY the terminal to achieve the same results... in a VERY secure way.
I would dump Fedora and use CentOS or Debian. Although Debian is known for it's slow upgrades, so if you are the bleeding edge type, stick with CentOS 5.1. That's what I use in all my servers. Fedora is not a real server piece of software but more a desktop OS. Even there, Ubuntu will kick Fedora's ass big time.