best way to remove template edits
Hi All
i am at the stage where i now know what i want from my forum and i really need to start the edits etc from scratch but i have coe to realise that i dont know where a load of the edits were. i was making them step by step in the admincp reading instructions on screen.
i didnt keep a record of them or anythign liek that and i can only remember so many.
My question is if i click revert all templates in style part of admincp will that remove all of the edits i have made completely? including any edits made by plugins etc.
I am only just learning my way around hooks etc and from what i understand plugins that use hooks to display items will be untopuched by reverting templates. it will only be the individual template edits i made which will be changed.
Is this correct?
for an example at some point i added support for youtube videos by editing various templates etc and adding a [yt] bbcode tag into the post wysiwyg so there is a little YT logo just above which adds tags around ta youtube embed url.
I obviously no longer need this as some bright spark has made the non template edit versions that supports all videos and there is no need for it anymore. but i can remember where the edits were made??
So can i just revert all the templates and go back to zero and start again and is there anything i should be aware of when i am doing that before id do it? ie any checks to make first