Originally Posted by DeMiNe0
Im having a problem where when i go to the wiki, it redirects to me "All Cookies Cleared" message in vbulletin. Logs me out of vbulletin. Any help on this?
Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't. I set the cookie domain in the vb config and in the wiki config. Still a no go. Any idea why?
Also is there any other integrations that actually work, and havn't been abandoned?
Running mediawiki 1.12.0 and vbulletin 3.6.9
Exact same problem here... been troubleshooting it all day without luck.
The cookie path and domain are identical on vbulletin and vbWiki. When I run the diag I get the following error:
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/httpd/html/forums/vbWiki/vbWiki_Tools.php
Line: 19
My locations are simple, nothing complex with domains going on at all.
www.mydomain.com/forums/ <- vBulletin
www.mydomain.com/wiki/ <- MediaWiki
It's definitely some sort of a cookie issue, but I don't know what is causing it.