He guys Im running into some issues ... I had this installed along with the vB Event Forums, and the e-mail notification ... I then screwed up and uploaded the vB Event Forums, plugin again and when I did it created a double posting situtation. I looked every where in the code to find that was the cause and couldnt find it. So to fix the issue I uninstalled all three products and started fresh. I reinstalled the vB Event Forums and tested to see if I was still getting the double post error and its gone, I then installed this again, but now its not showing up! WTF! im pulling my hair out over here. It was working fine before! I check and double check the config under VBoptions and everything is set up correctly I even double checked the calendar_showeventsbit template and the "$rsvp_form" is in the correct spot. Im clueless to why this isnt working.
BTW I just realized that I didnt tell you guys whats not working. The RSVP is showing in the VBoptions panel, all the templates are there, when you go to add a new event the RSVP options are on the bottom but when you save the event the RSVP system isnt showing up when you view the thread.
NM Im a retard and forgot to reinstall this: