Installed your mod, works perfect, great mod. Right now I can log into my vb and then goto my wordpress page. I can post in wordpress and have it show up in vb. All my members are able to access my wordpress page too. Everything Works as you described.
Now I have been able to make wordpress my start page, and then link to my vb forum from there, if I allow nonmembers to view my board, but this is a private board so I don't want to do that.
When I set my nonmembers to not be able to view then I get a blank page instead of my login page when I goto my wordpress page or when i set my wordpress page as my start page. Where as if a nonmember goes to a vb page they get redirected to the nonregistered page where they have to login or leave.
Is there any way to set it so whenever someone who is not a member will be be taken to my not registered page if they goto a wordpress page are not logged in to VB?
Hopefully there is a way,