Originally Posted by elviejoepu
This is my website
i put the url like this:
and dont work, after that i put the embed code and was the same.
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.embedgames.com/games-stock/samurai-warrior.swf" id="flash" name="flash" quality="high" height="450" width="600"></embed>
in Media definitions, the 3 things are selected (active, content & xtract info)
LOL That made me laugh a little. Not anything you did, but something
I didn't take into consideration when I made the definition. What's happening is I didn't take into consideration that sometimes the ending slash wouldn't always be in the URL in some cases. It's real easy to fix, and I'll have the new definition uploaded in a moment. You can actually take care of this yourself though, if you want. All you have to do is open the Embed Games definition in your
AME CP and in the
Regular expression box you'll see this:
PHP Code:
Add another
* to the very end after the trailing slash. That should fix it for you.
Originally Posted by Vinyljunky
Do you have any for Amazon UK ?
Many Thanks
Actually, this is what I was going to work on next, I've just been having tons of server trouble the last few weeks. I didn't want to say anything until I was sure I could make it work, but I'll definitely give it a shot. I don't really foresee any problems with it, though.