I have still a problem with getting this working. I am only interested in the shared userdatabase, not in the shared postings capabilities of this mod. Here is my situation:
I have vb 3.67 installed on subdomain 1:
I have WP 2.5 installed on subdomain 1:
B. Directories/server
Both are on the same server, but in different directories:
Forum is in: "...absolutepath/forum/
WP is in: "...absolutepath/wordpress/
C. Configuration
Since first tests did not work at all, I hardcoded the absolute path in the php file as advised. Thanks to this, I was able to map the usergroups and saved them.
But when I go now to my wp site, I get this error:
cannot load /myabsolutepath/wordpress/global.php. You should check your path!
No matter what I am doing. What did I do wrong?
It seems to me, that this mod is looking in the wrong directory for this globals.php file. With subdomains as I use them, what shall I enter in the absolute path field/ relative path field and how can I enter WP for doing this?
Thanks in advance