Hello! I need someone to make me some team icons for free. I need sleek icons that have fun colors. I need light colors and colors that arent to dark. I want team icons for Moderator, Global Mod, Administrator, and Founder. I want the text for moderator group to say "Moderator" on it (no quotes), Global Mod to say "Global Mod" (no quotes), Admin to say Administrator (no quotes), Founder to say"Founder" (no quotes).
I would like the icons to look similar to something like these: (if your wondering why i dont just use them-they are copyrighted by the forum that made them)
If you will make some team icons for me (that are good and look sort of similar to the ones i showed), please post here or PM me. I would like for them to be the same size as these and prefferably to be rectangularish with rounded corners.thanks and have a nice day!
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is anyone willing to make them for me? I want a pro please.