Hi all,
I will release the first beta of the UB 2.2x importer the next days. As the script is VERY complex I'm sure there are some errors I could not find with my one installation. So i need some beta testers...
If you want to help me, please email me at
webmaster@letzplay.de or write me a pm or simply reply this thread
I need the following information:
- Version of your UltraBoard (ONLY 2.2x versions will work, not 2.1.x, 2.0.x or something like this as they have different database structures. Maybe I will write importers for this versions later...)
- Database used (Flat files (DBM), Mysql etc.)
- Forum url (If it is a public forum...)
- Email adress where I can send you the copy
I will then email you the importer as soon as it's done.