Originally Posted by diettalk
Only problem is that it stops my RSS from posting.
Vbulletin may treat the RSS Poster Bot as a user with 0 posts. I don't know a way around this yet, but when I update the forums on my site I will try to fix it. I'm waiting for 3.7 though -- I use the poster bot feature myself, but moderate what it posts, so this issue does not bother me. Sorry.
Originally Posted by induslady
I have installed this mod and it is working great with most of the spammers posts with URLs getting moderated. It has reduced our manual moderation works so much and all admins/mods in my site just love this mod.
Great, I'm glad it's working!
The auto-moderation keywords that I have included are "www, .com"
I see an issue with 2 cases:
1) Replies with quotes are getting moderated, if the quoted post had an external or internal link in it.
For example - refer the below posts. The quoted post 'Hello Ladies' had an internal link in it. The reply post 'hi everyone' though did not have a link, got moderated because the quote had one.
All the mod does is search the entire body of text in the post for the string. If it's contained in a quote or regular post it will still moderate this.
The reason this mod is still so effective for me is because my forums are not extremely busy and I have 5 moderators. Unfortunately, there is no way around this short of loosening up security.
2. The 2nd post by the same member (who posted the above reference post) also got moderated. Though it did not have any link in it, it just had a smilie included from my forum.
I am guessing it got moderated because her 1st post still remains moderated, so the subsequent posts are also treated the same as spam and getting moderated.
Is this right?
Appreciate your clarifications on the above and some quick tips on handling it.
Each post is moderated independently. If a user's post is moderated, the next post should not automatically be moderated unless it contains strings as mentioned, too. What's the post count option set to on your mod? I set mine very low, like 1 or 2. I wish there was a better way to fix this, but I don't know of one yet. My VB just fills up with spam without this mod so I find that manual moderation is the only solution.
I suppose I could change it so there's an option where it simply strips out links and doesn't moderate the posts if the postcount is under 10, but that wouldn't stop users from posting up huge spammy posts selling ipods, prescription medications, and so-on.