Originally Posted by RikiB
Oh no, in why who's online I see this:
/forum/local_links.php?action=jump&id=16&catid=7 Accessing content from Downloads
This is the first time I have seen it but if there is a way someone was able to easily hack into the files that would be a travesty. Is there anyway to figure out how this happened? Im using Alpha4
edit: it may not be so bad, if anyone puts in that direct link it will say that, doesnt mean they can actually download the file, so not a big deal I guess. The hits stats doesnt say that a guest has downloaded anything.
I hope that they cannot get past the security that you have set. VBulletin's 'Who's online' simply captures where people are currently looking - as you say, it says nothing about what happens. If the LDM hit logs tell you there have been no accesses by guests, you should be ok. Perhaps worth testing the security by loggin out from vbulletin and clearing cookies, then keying in the 'jump' url and see what happens. I hope you will get a 'no permission' message.