Originally Posted by James Argo
That's what it supossed to be  One of it's job is to delete certain member after registration, if they don't activate their account after 10 days. Right?
Like many others, I never let anyone in UAEC to post  They can't post before they activate their account. My board has been running for years, it has thousands member. Half of them had never activated their account after registration. I installed this hack in January 2008 to encourage them to activate their account. This hack sent emails to members in UAEC after 3,5,8 days. Even UAEC member before I installed this hack got the email. It's all good.
But in my case, this hack doesn't delete them after 10 days. In my database, I can see I still have thousands UAEC member who registered since begining of the site. That's what I'm trying to say...
Any hints? Thanks

Ok, I solved my problem. I don't know about others, but I had to rename the manage
Activation.php to manage
activation.php <-- No uppercase "A" on "activation" and edit the scheduled task .php name to reflect my change (all lowercase). It works now...
